Tuesday, March 26, 2013

No Matter How Far IS OUT NOW!

David Archuleta is back!...Kind of!...With his new album "No Matter How Far" while he's on his 2 year mission in South America (HE WILL BE BACK IN ABOUT A YEAR! YAYY TIME IS FLYING BY QUICKLY).

You can buy it on iTunes, Amazon, Walmart, Barnes & Nobles, Best Buy, Sears, or Deseret Book!
The new album has unreleased songs for the US such as "The Other Side of Down: Asian Tour Edition" and "Forevermore" only available in Asia.

Don't Run Away - lead single on David Archuleta's new album "No Matter How Far"

For starters. I love this song!

You can get it on iTunes!


This video animation was made by Kylie Malchus! She made the animated Elevator video if you guys saw that a while ago!

Here's the making of the "Don't Run Away" video!